News from Garston
2nd November 2016
W Bro Jim Mylam has once again installed into the Chair of Walton Mark Lodge 161.
Unfortunately, the Master W Bro C Douglas fell ill earlier in the day, and regrettably was unable to attend. It is upsetting and frustrating to anyone who has practiced the ceremony, and put much effort to the work, and we all wish him a speedy recovery.
W Bro Derek Horrocks (Provincial Grand Masters Special Representative for Garston) was the Installing Master
Although at very short notice W Bro Derek stepped up and offered to conduct the ceremony, no one would believe it was possible to perform the Installation in such an impeccable manner.
V W Bro Ken Alker PGJO congratulated all concerned with special thanks to W Bro Derek.
Later this Month W Bro Jim Mylam will celebrate 50 years in the Mark Degree. At the festive Board W Bro Jim thanked the Brethren for electing him as Worshipful Master of Walton Mark Lodge and with his usually humour stated how proud he was in attaining the Chair and how he was looking forward to his Celebration evening.
Report and photographs by Jack Parker